Something or Nothing

Suddenly it’s ‘one of those days,’

my heart begins to ache.

No longer cannot I fight it off,

soon it just might break.


Something or nothing,

that’s how it starts.

Something or nothing,

can just tear me apart.


I lie down in bed,

knees tucked to my chest.

I hide under the sheet,

though I need no rest.


The tears come in floods,

I can’t hold them back.

The depression is strong,

it has come to attack.


I hug myself tightly,

wishing to disappear.

Nothing matters now,

I have no fear.


I whimper softly,

waiting for it to go.

It always passes,

this much I know.


‘Til then I hold tight,

and continue to cry.

Something or nothing,

I’ll still want to die.


Once the poison has passed,

I begin to feel free.

With my shackles removed,

I can try to be me.



Published by Ophelia ❤️

Hey! I'm Ophelia. You've just entered a safe space! Here, we talk about depression, sex, and cannabis openly and honestly without judgment. It's time we stop vilifying these natural subjects which have grown to become taboo. When depression is mislabeled as laziness, we encourage suicide. When sex is taught to be shameful, we promote rape culture. And when cannabis is prohibited, ailing people suffer without access, or worse, are jailed.​ I have a Bachelor of Science degree and have spent my adult life researching and experimenting with these topics. I've made it my mission to dispel myths by using science, and to give others hope by sharing my experiences.​ Lives are destroyed or lost when we choose to not talk about the difficult things. But we can do better. Start by Speaking Out on the Unspeakable! @FearlessOphelia

18 thoughts on “Something or Nothing

  1. Absolutely brilliant! So relatable so thank you for sharing. Do hope it has passed and you are out of it now 💪🏽 much love 💖


  2. I hope it passes not just temporarily before its back again. But i hope you overcome it and it passes for good. I wish you all the best. Keep fighting. Stay brave and strong❤

    Liked by 2 people

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